Scrivener for windows
Scrivener for windows

scrivener for windows

Scrivener for Windows lags behind its Mac counterpart in version numbers and features, but the version I evaluated, 1.2, feels like a mature and powerful product. A simple template engine allows some control over the manuscript’s appearance, but Scrivener doesn’t try to be a full-fledged typesetting program.


You can make it into a PDF document, an RTF file, an HTML webpage, and more. Once you are ready to share your manuscript, you can export it using Scrivener’s powerful compilation functionality.


Neal Stephenson used Scrivener for his latest novel, REAMDE, and indeed, I recognized one of the names in the generator (Abdul-Ghaffar, “servant of the forgiver” in Arabic). It lets you pick an ethnicity for the first and last name (separately, so you can mix), pick which letter the name should start with, and even search by meaning. Scrivener includes a powerful name generator, making it easy to come up with good character names.Scrivener’s other writing aids include a flexible character name generator–not so useful for research papers, perhaps, but a boon for fiction writers. You can even save your searches for future use. You can then search for segments labeled with specific keywords (such as the name of a character), and read them in isolation using scrivenings mode. For even finer-grained categorization, Scrivener lets you assign arbitrary keywords out of a keyword hierarchy you define. You can also assign each segment a status label, such as First Draft, Revised Draft, etc.

scrivener for windows

Scrivener also lets you label your segments with labels such as Scene, Idea, Character Notes, or anything else. Not very fast, but a good investment of time: When I was done, I felt like I could really start using Scrivener. The tutorial is well-written and thorough it took me about two hours to work through. Scrivener also ships with a friendly tutorial packaged as a Scrivener writing project that walks you step-by-step through the most important features. A Scrivener project is made up of many linked and interdependent files, and each one needs to be synced correctly to avoid problems with the project. Rather than impose one “ideal” workflow for writing, provides an arsenal of research, planning, writing, and editing tools you can choose from. Scrivener’s work environment is rich, but many elements can be toggled off as needed.Scrivener recognizes that every author works differently.


Mac favorite Scrivener ($40, thirty-day free trial) has a Windows version, recently out of beta, that helps writers compose major projects by breaking them down into manageable bits, organizing research material, and more. The creative process is often complex, and there is much background research, planning, shuffling and reshuffling of segments, editing and re-editing until the manuscript is done. Most authors don’t just run a word processor and bang them out, start to finish, ending up with a complete work. Books, research proposals, screenplays, and scripts, are all daunting, large-scale writing projects.

Scrivener for windows